A memoir
A Young Man Sent to Sea
Discover the Journey
Going to sea as a sailor at age eighteen is not the dream of most college-aged boys, especially those with some privileges in life. Yet for one young man who navigated this path at the insistence of his father, the unlikely experience turned into a wildly unforgettable adventure. Sent off to sea on the M.S. Grundsunda, an aging vessel with a foreign crew, Long Island teenager Vincent DeOrchis found himself thrown into the excitement of a maritime enterprise involving a motley mix of jobs, sometime dangerous, sometimes funny with a side excursion of jumping ship in Spain during the late 60s, only to find himself confronted by life under the Franco regime. A buoyant mix of emotions, memories, fears, and humor, this experienced sailor’s coming-of-age story compresses tons of life lessons into a concise tale of his transformational, three-month voyage in 1968. From the heart of a man who is now a father, grandfather, and successful attorney, DeOrchis s compelling memoir proves that the defining events of our youth can serve as a powerful rudder as we set sail toward our destiny.

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A Joe barrett series
Devil’s Eye
Discover the Journey
Going to sea as a sailor at age eighteen is not the dream of most college-aged boys, especially those with some privileges in life. Yet for one young man who navigated this path at the insistence of his father, the unlikely experience turned into a wildly unforgettable adventure. Sent off to sea on the M.S. Grundsunda, an aging vessel with a foreign crew, Long Island teenager Vincent DeOrchis found himself thrown into the excitement of a maritime enterprise involving a motley mix of jobs, sometime dangerous, sometimes funny with a side excursion of jumping ship in Spain during the late 60s, only to find himself confronted by life under the Franco regime. A buoyant mix of emotions, memories, fears, and humor, this experienced sailor’s coming-of-age story compresses tons of life lessons into a concise tale of his transformational, three-month voyage in 1968. From the heart of a man who is now a father, grandfather, and successful attorney, DeOrchis s compelling memoir proves that the defining events of our youth can serve as a powerful rudder as we set sail toward our destiny.

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Discover the Journey
The Pilot Fish
A Joe barrett series
Going to sea as a sailor at age eighteen is not the dream of most college-aged boys, especially those with some privileges in life. Yet for one young man who navigated this path at the insistence of his father, the unlikely experience turned into a wildly unforgettable adventure. Sent off to sea on the M.S. Grundsunda, an aging vessel with a foreign crew, Long Island teenager Vincent DeOrchis found himself thrown into the excitement of a maritime enterprise involving a motley mix of jobs, sometime dangerous, sometimes funny with a side excursion of jumping ship in Spain during the late 60s, only to find himself confronted by life under the Franco regime. A buoyant mix of emotions, memories, fears, and humor, this experienced sailor’s coming-of-age story compresses tons of life lessons into a concise tale of his transformational, three-month voyage in 1968. From the heart of a man who is now a father, grandfather, and successful attorney, DeOrchis s compelling memoir proves that the defining events of our youth can serve as a powerful rudder as we set sail toward our destiny.

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